Official AI Blog of Lund University Dept. of Business Administration

FEK AI Newsletter – Issue 08

FEK AI Newsletter

FEK AI Newsletter

Issue 08 / October 4, 2024

More AI in Library Databases πŸ”

By Burak Tunca β€’ Read Time: 2 min

Hello Everyone!

Exciting developments are unfolding in our library’s research databases as AI transforms the way we search for information. In this post, I would like to remind you first about the trial versions of AI literature search tools provided by Web of Science and Scopus, then also show how Statista (the leading statistical database) has implemented AI search functions. Lastly, I would like to remind everyone about the upcoming AI-skills workshops for students.

Have a nice weekend!

Natural Language Search in databases πŸ—£


Web of Science and Scopus

Both Web of Science and Scopus are currently offering trial versions of their AI-enhanced literature search tools. These innovations strive to streamline your research process and uncover relevant sources more efficiently by using natural language search prompts (e.g., “What are publications from Lund University in 2023 on the topic of AI?”). We should also highlight that these tools are multilingual. You can try these tools by visiting https://www.webofscience.com/wos/research-assistant and https://www.scopus.com/search/form.uri?display=basic#scopus-ai.

The trial period ends on October 20th for Web of Science and October 30th for Scopus. The library staff are seeking feedback in order to move forward and purchase any of the add-on features that you test. Feedback can be sent to: research_support@ehl.lu.se.

Statista AI

Statista, leading online platform that provides access to a vast array of statistical data, market research, and business intelligence, has recently implemented AI search functions, making it easier than ever to find the data you need for your projects and analyses. You can try it at https://www.statista.com/research-ai/, without any trial limitations. Below you can see a demonstration based on a query I wrote about the EV market in Sweden:

AI Workshops for Students

The faculty will provide two-part lecture series with BjΓΆrn Svensson, Lecturer and Director of Studies at the Department of Informatics, for students who would like to improve their AI-skills. For more information please visit the following links: Part I: AI Study Hacks and Part II: Prompting Hacks

Similar workshops (or on-demand video lectures) for staff are also at the planning stage at the moment.

Thanks for reading!